Distinguished in Dispute Resolution 2016

Arbitrator of the Year Poland




17 January 2023
Greetings from SCCA,   We are delighted to officially confirm that the SCCA has included
06 January 2023
News from Ukraine: I'm glad to inform that I was invited to become a
13 May 2018
Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days, 23-25 May 2018

We cordially invite you to Warsaw Arbitration and Mediation Days - a three-day conference which is a joint initiative of the most important arbitration institutions in Poland: Polish National Committee of the ICC, Arbitration Court at the Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, Lewiatan Court of Arbitration, Polish Association of Engineers and Appraisers, University of Warsaw and SWPS University of Social Science and Humanities. The partners of the event are AIJA and ICC Paris.

The conference will be held on May 23-25, 2018 in Warsaw. During these three days there will be presentations and lectures of over 50 lawyers, experts, academics and practitioners from Poland, Germany, France, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Hungary, Georgia, Ukraine, Greece, Romania and even Brazil. There will be over 20 panels devoted to key issues related to commercial and investment arbitration, mediation, financial aspects of alternative dispute resolution, as well as on the role that psychology plays in this process.


For more details please visit: https://www.warsawarbitration.pl .



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Arbitration - Piotr Nowaczyk - arbitration courts, ADR 

17 January 2023
Greetings from SCCA,   We are delighted to officially confirm that the SCCA has included
06 January 2023
News from Ukraine: I'm glad to inform that I was invited to become a

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