Distinguished in Dispute Resolution 2016
Arbitrator of the Year Poland
When did you get your first appointment as an arbitrator?
PN: In 1998 I was included on the roster of VIAC arbitrators and at around the same time I was listed by the Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce and recommended by the ICC Polish National Committee. However, my first appointment I get 3 years later, in 2001.
What is the main advantage of arbitration?
PN:Arbitration has a human face and a lot of human feelings. The public justice wears a gown, sometimes a wig, currently a mask.
What is your experience with arbitration under the ICAC rules?
PN: 12 appointments in very interesting international cases handled in Russian and English. Very good infrastructure, excellent secretariat, nice atmosphere and good service offered to foreign arbitrators.
Why did you start practicing arbitration?
PN: I believe my background as: an ex-judge, advocate admitted in Poznan, Paris and Warsaw, partner at Salans (legacy firm of Dentons), world traveler and polyglot, all these was helpful and had led to over 300 arbitration appointments in the last 20 years.
Please give advice for those who are just starting their career in arbitration.
PN: It is not easy to start. Arbitrators are late starters. Try to be the administrative secretary of a well-known arbitrator. Best writers have always had their secretaries. Many of these secretaries became well known writers few years after. Learn from the best!
What is your credo in life/professional life?
PN: Justice is not a business. Justice is a feeling.
Which book are you currently reading?
PN: Dr. Michael Hwang S.C. “Selected Essays on Dispute Resolution”, SIAC 2018.
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